Some car accident insurance claims are simple and clear-cut and do not require an attorney for the claims process.
The simplicity of the case lies in the following factors:
- Liability is absolutely clear; for example, the other party is clearly at fault and he/she has accepted the liability.
- The injuries are minor with low medical expenditure.
- There are no mitigating circumstances which require further investigation, such as pre-existing medical conditions, complicated scenarios beyond one’s comprehension, insufficient knowledge about coverage, information about the statute of limitations (the deadline defined for filing a lawsuit against the party at fault).
Why You May Need Help Filing a Car Accident Claim
Legal information and other regulations are not known to all and some people start out by handling their own claims only to call in a St. Louis car accident attorney later in the process. You might consider using the services of a St. Louis car accident attorney in the following scenarios to ensure that your case is processed in the correct manner.
- The liability is unclear or there is more than one party at fault.
- The evaluation of your claim is not known to you.
- Your medical history has been asked by the adjuster.
- An initial settlement offer has been proposed by the adjuster; however, you think that your claim is worth more than the amount offered.
- Instead of a lump sum amount, the adjuster has offered a structured settlement for your claim.
- Negotiating a claim settlement is a tricky process and you are not confident of your ability to handle the negotiations on your own behalf.
- Your claim has a settlement for lost wages which is difficult to prove. This is encountered if you are a business owner, a consultant, or a salesperson.
When It is Essential To Use a Car Accident Attorney
If your case falls in the following categories, it may become essential for you to hire a car accident attorney for processing your claim.
- There are certain circumstances which you think you would not be able to prove; however, they make your claim more valuable.
- Your claim has been denied by the insurance company. It is your belief that the insurance company has wronged you by denying the claim.
- The settlement amount offered by the insurance company is too low.
- Your injury is serious with considerably high medical bills. There may or may not be any residual disability.
- Your injury is moderate with a disability and you may continue to incur medical bills in the future.
- The injured is a minor and the injuries are more than moderate.
- The liability has not been established and is still being disputed; you believe that you are not at all responsible for the accident or are partially responsible.
- You have been haggling with the insurance company for over a year and the claim has not been settled. You are also not aware of the statute of limitations in your state.
- The circumstances of the accident are complex and you require an expert to investigate the case.
- You have been served with a lawsuit by the other party.
If your case falls in either of the above categories, consult with The Hoffmann Law Firm, L.L.C. at (314) 361-4242 before making any statements in front of an adjuster.
Photo credit: Derek Hatfield via Flickr