Should You Move Your Car After an Accident?
Moving your car can damage your case and make it difficult to successfully make a personal injury claim and obtain compensation. You may have heard that you should never move …
Moving your car can damage your case and make it difficult to successfully make a personal injury claim and obtain compensation. You may have heard that you should never move …
Spine injuries can occur for various reasons, but car accidents are one of the leading causes. According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Association, around 450,000 Americans live with a …
Yes. The force of impact in a car accident can cause microfractures that lead to the formation of bone spurs. The impact of a car accident can cause much more …
Even minor injuries such as soft tissue injuries can cause significant pain and discomfort. While some car accidents cause minor injuries, others cause significant injuries and property damage. Even minor …
Car accidents may result in injuries that are serious enough to render someone incapable of returning to work. When a car accident causes permanent damage, the person may lose the capacity to …
With the increased amount of traffic during springtime comes an increased risk of car accidents. As the weather warms up and the days get longer, more and more people hit …