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7 Important Things to Remember When You Get in a Car Accident


These steps will help you get through the ordeal and be as effective as you can in such an unfortunate scenario.

st. louis man upset after a car accident

Being involved in a car accident is often traumatic or at least upsetting, no matter if it was your fault or not. Being caught unprepared is not something we like, especially if we were on our way to doing something important. If victims are involved, then it is a highly stressful event, and sometimes even a life-and-death situation.

Here is a checklist of seven things to remember when you get in a car accident. These steps will help you get through the ordeal and be as effective as you can in such an unfortunate scenario.

Remain at the Scene of the Accident

Leaving the scene of an accident, no matter how small it was, can get you into a lot of trouble and it does not help anybody. Stay at the scene until the police arrive and be helpful.

Make Sure You and Other Persons Involved in the Accidents Are Not in Danger

Before dealing with the administrative and official stuff, make sure you or other persons involved are out of danger. If there is anyone suffering from any injury or if they seem to be confused and not sure about their well-being, call an ambulance.

If people are hurt, it’s best to leave the car exactly where it is. Never move a person who appears to have spine injuries. Call emergency services immediately.

Communicate in a Calm Manner and Don’t Rush into Any Admissions or Statements

Staying calm is a crucial quality when dealing with critical situations. Even if you are yelled at or if you are angry yourself, try to keep your emotions under control and speak politely and clearly to anyone. Don’t engage in any physical or verbal conflict.

Another aspect to remember is to refrain from admitting guilt or apologizing to the other drivers.

Call the Police to File a Report

The police should be present at any accident scene even if it was just a small collision. You never know if there is any hidden damage to your property or to yourself that you will need to back up later with an official police report. Police will also help keep the situation under control and witness the proceedings.

Exchange Information with the Drivers Involved in the Accident

It is very important to exchange all the needed information with the other driver(s) involved in the accident. Make sure you write down names, contact information, the name of the insurance company and the policy number. Additional info helps, like the car model and license plate.

Collect Evidence That Is Relevant to the Situation

If you are able to do so, start collecting evidence as soon as you can. Take pictures, write down any relevant details and talk to witnesses to see if anyone will be willing to testify later.

Go to the Doctor for a Check-up

Even if you don’t see any immediate damage to your health, it’s best to go to your doctor for a check-up. If changes appear in your health state, get a medical report, as you might be able to base a personal injury case on them.

Speak With a St. Louis Car Accident Attorney

Even if you think that the case is straightforward, it’s best to get in touch with a St. Louis auto accident attorney. They can help defend your legal rights after an accident. Give our experienced legal team a call 24/7 at (314) 361-4242.

Try to remember these important steps and apply them if you are ever involved in a car accident. Prepare yourself for this possibility and always carry your documents, paper and pen, a camera and a first-aid kit.

Updated: September 13, 2019