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Car Accident FAQ’s Relating to Medical Bills


Answers to frequently asked car accident questions relating to medical bills.

car accident lawyers medical billsBeing involved in a car accident can leave a victim injured and confused. The physical pain and suffering is normally compounded by problems such as loss of wages, medical bills, property repair costs, and emotional trauma. Car accident victims have the right to claim damages for the injuries and property damage caused by a car accident that was the result of another driver’s negligence.

Missouri car accident lawyers believe that most victims are either not fully aware of their rights, or have some doubts about what damages they can claim. In this article we will try to offer answers to some common questions pertaining to car accident claims.

“Who will pay my medical bills?”

The insurance company of the driver-at-fault will be generally be liable to pay the medical bills resulting out of the car accident. However, they will often pay you a lumpsum after you reach a settlement. So, to pay your medical bills before you reach a settlement, you will have to either use your health insurance or med pay coverage. If you get your health insurance to pay your medical bills, you will be liable to refund the amount received after you receive the settlement from the liability insurance company.

“I cannot afford treatment, what should I do?”

Medical treatment for car accident injuries may go on for a while and may be quite expensive, depending on the severity of the injuries. If you cannot afford to pay these bills out of your own pocket, you may need to look into other sources such as med pay coverage or health insurance. An experienced car accident attorney can help you find sources of funds that can allow you to receive adequate treatment.

“What is med pay coverage?”

Several auto insurance policies offer additional coverage for the medical bills irrespective of who was at fault. The insurer will pay all necessary and reasonable medical bills up to the limit of coverage. In Missouri, a car accident victim is generally not required to refund the claim amount to his own insurance company after collecting damages from the driver at fault’s liability insurance.

“Will my future medical bills be paid after I sign a release?”

The insurance company gets you to sign a full and final release of claims, in return for your settlement check. You typically cannot claim any more damages after you have signed this release.

If you or someone close to you has become a victim of a reckless or inexperienced driver, you should consult with a car accident lawyer at our law firm. We can help you understand your legal rights and work to get you compensation for all the losses you have suffered. Our St. Louis car accident lawyers will help you at every step of the claim process, and will work to get you the maximum possible compensation for your injuries, wage loss, and pain and suffering.

Call us today at (314) 361-4242 to schedule a free consultation.



photo credit: jenni from the block via Flickr

Updated: November 25, 2015