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Catastrophic Injuries Common in Motorcycle Accidents


Motorcycles makeup about 3% of all vehicles registered in the United States and yet they are involved in at least 11% of all roadway accidents.

The design of a motorcycle places them at higher risk for an accident and its driver at higher risk to suffer from serious, life-threatening injuries, possibly even death. Medical costs stemming from a motorcycle accident can be enormous. Contact a St. Louis motorcycle accident attorney if you or a member of your family was injured or killed in a motorcycle collision. The details of the accident will be reviewed and they can let you know whether or not you should be compensated.

Why Motorcycle Accidents Are so Dangerous

The fact that a motorcycle utilizes only 2 wheels, and are smaller in both size and weight than a car, make them more prone to an accident. The fact that the driver has little external protection puts them at higher risk for serious injury. A motorcyclist may suffer from a wide array of injuries in an accident. Head trauma is common as well as broken bones and skin lacerations. Additionally, being thrown off of the bike can cause injury to the spinal cord. Most of these injuries will require surgery to repair and long term hospitalization. Costs of medical care may skyrocket. A motorcycle accident lawyer should be consulted to see if the events of the accident warrant you to receive compensation, not just for your immediate medical expenses, but also for any you may incur in the future.

Missouri Motorcycle Accidents

Take for instance the Missouri motorcyclist who was struck by a car that failed to yield at an intersection. The force of the collision shattered his pelvis, broke his left hip and femur, and caused a head injury so severe that he was in a coma. A multitude of surgeries was necessary to repair all of the damage and the motorcyclist will be subjected to years of painful physical therapy in order to fully recover. These types of extensive injuries are not uncommon with motorcycle accidents. In this case, the driver’s insurance paid the policy limit of $1,250,000 as compensation.

It is extremely important to gather copies of all of your medical records if you are injured in a motorcycle accident. Chances are, the injuries are numerous and you may overlook the minor ones. Also on hand should be all of the medical bills associated with the crash. Your attorney will need these when trying to negotiate with the defendants and any lien holders. Have someone close to you document all of the injuries with photographs and show the progression of any wounds as they heal. Future costs and lost wages may also be compensable. Have your physician write up a detailed report of the types of therapies you are going to require. If going back to work is not an option make sure this is mentioned as well.

St. Louis Auto Accident Attorney

Even the most seasoned, careful motorcyclist may not be able to avoid an accident. They may take every precaution know to them and yet still find themselves injured by a careless motorist. If you have recently found yourself in this situation retain a St. Louis motorcycle accident attorney at The Hoffmann Law Firm immediately to review your case and see whether or not you are entitled to compensation.

Updated: February 9, 2021
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