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Car Insurance Claim Denied What Next?


When a car insurance claim is denied, it is not necessary to give up the claim and stop negotiating with the insurance company.

car-accident-insurance-claimsThere are a number of alternatives that will make it possible to claim the insurance money needed to reimburse expenses for injuries and damages.

Assessing the Claim Denial Letter

The first thing to do is to assess the claim denial letter and recognize the grounds for the denial of the insurance claim. Then a letter of contention can be submitted to challenge the denial. Although it will not be necessary to get a lawyer to process an appeal against denial of an insurance claim, the presence of a competent St. Louis car accident lawyer will be beneficial when the insurance company is unwilling to acknowledge the claim.

Recognizing the grounds for the denial of the car insurance claim is essential in making an appeal on the decision of the insurance company. The decision of the insurance company will be clarified through the insurance claim denial letter, and it is important to carefully read the letter and become aware of the grounds of the insurance company. The most widely-used grounds for denial are as follows.

The Car Accident Is Not Covered By the Car Insurance Policy

There are numerous kinds of coverage in a car policy, including collision coverage and liability coverage. The insurance claim will be denied when the accident is not covered by the insurance policy purchased by the vehicle owner. A judgment call will determine if an accident is covered by any section of the insurance policy, and the decision of the adjuster can be challenged by the insurance policy owner.

The Filing Deadline Has Passed or the Coverage Has Ended

If the premiums are not paid, the insurance policy will end. Once the insurance policy is inactive, the accident will not be covered. It is essential to remember filing deadlines and work fast following an accident. No notice will be given by an insurance company once a deadline is missed.

The Name On the Insurance Policy Is Different

The person on the contract is the only one covered by an insurance policy. If the name on the insurance policy is different from the injured party, the injured party may not be covered by the insurance.

The Car Insurance Limit Has Been Reached

This situation will normally result in limitations on damages instead of a denial of the insurance claim. However, it is possible that the entire insurance claim is denied by the insurance company.

The  Car Accident Was Caused By the Person Making the Insurance Claim

Once the person making the insurance claim is determined to have caused the accident, the claim may be denied if it is allowed by the laws of the state. The claim denial letter should give an explanation if the person making the claim is determined to be at fault in the accident. Since the person making the claim is considered to be at fault, it is essential to compare with the insurance company the events that led to the accident along with the evidence found at the accident site.

You Filed the Claim Yourself

If you prepared the claim yourself and it has been denied, it is essential to hire the services of a St. Louis car accident attorney to evaluate your case and to file an appeal. Claims may be denied for two reasons – the insurance adjuster believes that your claim does not have any merit, or the insurance adjuster simply denies the claim in the hopes that you will give up on the claim and not pursue the case further.

Financial Gain for the Insurance Company

There are certain cases when a claim is denied even though the adjuster knows the claim holds merit. Such moves are solely for financial gain by the insurance company. Insurance companies are in the business of making profits for their stockholders and not for the benefit of the claimants. An insurance adjuster looks at each case with a profit and loss perspective and may deny certain claims when it appears to be beneficial for the firm.

There is a certain percentage of accident victims who do not pursue their denied claims; this turns out to be profitable for the insurance company. When you file an appeal with the help of a lawyer, the insurance company now knows that you are represented by an experienced attorney and your case will be taken seriously.

It is best to consult an experienced St. Louis car accident attorney to get help in seeking the claim. Call The Hoffmann Law Firm, L.L.C. at (314) 361-4242 to request a free case evaluation.

Updated: January 30, 2019