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Driving Under the Influence: Some Important Facts


Driving under the influence is a leading cause of car accidents, not only in Missouri, but in the United States.

drunk-drivingWhen a person chooses to drive under the influence, they are not only risking their own life, but are also putting the safety of other drivers at risk. St. Louis car accident attorneys feel that the statistics concerning driving under the influence cases in Missouri paint a grim picture.

Fatalities and Injuries Involving Drunk Drivers

As per the latest statistics available in 2011, 208 people were killed, and 3,625 were injured in accidents involving drunk drivers in Missouri. Here are some more facts related to driving under the influence in Missouri.

• Many people believe that the level of intoxication depends on the kind of alcoholic beverage they have consumed and not on the amount of alcohol. However, this is far from true. The blood alcohol concentration depends on the alcohol content of the drink that was consumed.

• According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the risk of getting involved in a fatal car accident increases with the increase in blood alcohol concentration. A blood alcohol concentration level of .05% significantly raises the probability of a fatal crash , and after .08% the chances increase manifold.

• St. Louis car accident attorneys believe that most young drivers involved in drunk driving cases are repeat offenders. If someone has been convicted with driving under the influence, then their chances of getting involved in a car accident become high. About 30 percent of the people involved in driving under the influence accidents are aged 20-24 years.

• In 2011 alone, 226 children were fatally injured in accidents that involved a drunk driver. Unfortunately, most children who died were riding the same vehicle as the drunk driver.

• From 2001-2011, the number of car accidents involving drunk drivers have come down in Missouri. The accidents involving underage drunk drivers have come down also.

Penalties for Underage Drinking

Under Missouri law, drivers under the age of 21 years can lose their driver’s license if they are found doing the following:

  • Trying to buy alcoholic beverages
  • Purchasing alcoholic beverages
  • Possessing alcoholic beverages
  • Having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of more than .020%
  • Being visibly intoxicated

Penalties for Driving Under the Influence

Anyone found guilty of driving under the influence may receive penalties that include:

  • Jail time
  • Fines
  • Revocation or suspension of their driver’s license

Missouri car accident attorneys believe that if drivers would act sensibly and not indulge in driving under the influence, many fatal car accidents would be avoided. If any of your friends or relatives have become a victim of a car accident involving a drunk driver, you should advice them to consult with The Hoffmann Law Firm, L.L.C. at (314) 361-4242 to receive compensation for medical treatment, repair or replacement of the vehicle, and pain and suffering.

Photo credit: Ron Frazier via Flickr

Updated: September 4, 2018
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