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Emotional Trauma After Car Accident


In addition to physical injuries, St. Louis automobile accidents can leave a victim suffering from emotional and mental distress.

auto wreck attorney

Not all car accidents are serious or deadly. Some accidents cause only minor injuries. However, irrespective of the severity, many car wrecks result in some emotional and mental distress. In the United States, someone gets injured from a car accident every 10 seconds, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. In addition to physical injuries, these accidents can cause serious mental trauma. The emotional impact of an automobile accident can be long-term; for example, it may cause a fear of traveling and driving a car.

Symptoms of Mental Distress

An insurance company may attempt to decline a claim for emotional distress, raising a question about the reliability of the claim. It can be difficult to diagnose emotional distress. Common symptoms of metal trauma include:

  • nervousness or anxiety
  • depression
  • feeling of guilt
  • bitterness
  • frustration
  • insomnia
  • helplessness

Proving Mental Anguish from Car Accidents

Studies have proved that mental anguish from a car accident is real. In fact, emotional distress such as anxiety, depression, and stress disorder caused by an accident can have long-term consequences even when physical injuries are not that serious. Accident victims who have suffered emotional trauma after an accident may have difficulty driving a car or riding a motorcycle even years after the accident.

In order to obtain compensation for your mental pain and suffering, you need to provide enough evidence to support your claim. One way is to provide clear examples of what caused your mental trauma. You should be able to explain how your mental suffering is going to affect your life in the future. Here are examples of pieces of evidence that you can provide.

  • A written statement of your friends, family members, colleagues, and employers, stating how they have witnessed your metal suffering after the accident
  • Reports or Mental Health Narratives from your doctors, counselors, or psychologists – stating details about your current mental state and possible future effects
  • Your doctor’s prescriptions, which may include medicines prescribed for depression, anxiety or other psychological symptoms

Contacting Experienced St. Louis Automobile Accident Attorneys

If you suffer psychological distress from a car accident, you may be entitled to financial compensation. You should contact an experienced automobile accident attorney to learn more about your legal rights and get help pursuing maximum compensation for your mental pain and suffering. Consultations are free and we don’t get paid unless we recover compensation for you.

Talk to a Lawyer for Free 24/7 at (314) 361-4242!

Updated: November 9, 2022