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Identity of Missouri Mystery Priest is Discovered After Accident


When a priest appeared at the scene of an accident after a head-on collision in Missouri, first responders thought that the priest was sent by God.

Responders say they did not know who he was or where he came from. He has now been identified as Rev. Patrick Dowling, a Roman Catholic priest from the Jefferson City Diocese.

Katy Lentz of Quincy was allegedly hit by a drunk driver on August 4, while driving on Route 19, near Center, Missouri. The 19-year-old woman was pinned into the front seat of her car and was not in good condition. Rescuers say that her vitals signs were dropping quickly. She asked nearby members of the rescue crew to pray with her.

Dowling says that he saw the effects of the accident when traffic was all backed up as he was driving home from 8:30 mass.

Rescue crews said that Dowling showed up just at Lentz asked for someone to pray with her, even though there were blocks set up in about a 2-mile perimeter. Witnesses say he had anointing oil with him and he performed an anointing of the sick on Lentz and gave her absolution.

First responders had said they were convinced the mystery priest was sent from above.

Firefighters say that after Dowling appeared, their equipment, which had had been malfunctioning, started to work again.

Dowling then left the scene. Since he did not appear in any of the video or the photos taken at the scene of the accident, the whole thing was a big mystery to many. Everyone started searching for the “angel priest.”

Lentz had broken ribs and both of her legs were broken. She was extricated from her vehicle and was airlifted to the local hospital, where she was treated in the intensive care unit.

Last weekend Dowling went to visit Lentz in the hospital. She cried when he introduced himself.

Dowling says that he is not an angel and that he is only part of God’s plan.

This story has a happier ending than many reports of car accidents. An investigation is still ongoing but Lentz was allegedly hit by a drunk driver. Accidents caused by drunk, distracted, reckless, or negligent drivers can have devastating effects on other drivers and can easily result in wrongful death.

Missouri Car Accident Lawyer

If you or a family member has been injured in an auto accident caused by a negligent driver, you should contact a Missouri car accident lawyer as soon as possible. If an investigation is necessary, your attorney can help to determine what happened, who is responsible, and the best course of action. If you are entitled to compensation your attorney will pursue maximum compensation for injuries, medical expenses, property damage, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other damages relating to the accident. Drivers who disregard the safety of others must be held legally accountable for their actions. An experienced Missouri car accident lawyer will be able to give you the legal assistance you need in obtaining compensation so that you can move forward with your life.

To schedule a free consultation, call The Hoffmann Law Firm at (314) 361-4242.

Updated: October 14, 2024