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Missouri Fatal Car Accidents Significantly Increase


2015 statistics show a significant increase in fatal car accidents in Missouri.

Motor vehicle accidents are an unfortunate reality of our modern lives. Despite technological progress, we are not always able to prevent car accidents and related injuries. Human error is a reason behind a majority of motor vehicle accidents. Every year, an alarming number of motor vehicle accidents are reported in Missouri. While some of these car accidents are minor fender benders, others cause serious injury and even death.

Car Accident Fatalities

Car accidents rates have been reduced due to increased awareness, better vehicle technology, and increased regulatory intervention.  Over the last decade, traffic-related fatalities in Missouri had been on a steady decline. However, 2015 statistics show a significant increase in fatal accidents. The Missouri Blueprint to Save More Lives has a five-year goal to reduce fatal car crashes to below 700 by the year 2016. However, as of December 2015, the number of fatalities have exceeded the benchmark by over 80.

Driver Education and Increasing Awareness

On Dec 1, 2015, the death count on Missouri roads stood at 78, which is an increase of over 10 percent from the previous year.  The Missouri Blueprint to Save More Lives continues a renewed focus on education and increasing awareness to make drivers more responsible. Car accident fatalities cannot be prevented as long as drivers do not follow safe driving practices and traffic rules. Even a small mistake, such as texting or changing music in the car while driving, can lead to a fatal crash.

Holding Negligent Drivers Accountable

There are many Missourians who have lost their loved ones to fatal car accidents, leaving them with emotional and financial turmoil. While it is impossible to bring back lives, we can help car accident victims and their families get adequate compensation to cover financial losses and hold negligent drivers accountable. Consult with a St. Louis car crash attorney from The Hoffmann Law Firm, L.L.C. Call us at (314) 361-4242.

Updated: March 14, 2018