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Lost Income After a Car Accident – Evidence to Help Prove Your Case


Your car accident attorney will help you gather the medical evidence and financial information you need to validate your claim for lost wages or lost earning capacity.

If you were severely injured in a car accident, you might be unable to return to work right away. Some victims cannot return to the same type of work and may lose their earning capacity. This situation arises when the injury is severe and leaves the victim disabled and they must go into a different work line.

If you or a loved one are in this situation, you may be able to recover compensation for your lost wages. If your injuries are severe enough, you may be able to pursue compensation for your future lost wages.

At The Hoffmann Law Firm, L.L.C., we are prepared to discuss the facts of your injury claim during a free consultation. We will help you explore all of the legal options available to you when filing a compensation claim.

Lost Income Vs. Future Earning Capacity

It is essential to understand the type of lost income you are pursuing when you file a car accident claim, as not all injury victims may be eligible for the same kind of income lost.

Injured victims who have suffered a temporary disruption in their earning capacity to work may be able to recover compensation for income lost up until the point they begin working again. For example, they may only work a few hours a day or a few days a week rather than five days a week for eight hours a day. This also includes those who cannot work for days, weeks, or months.

However, suppose you suffer a severe injury that leaves you unable to work at any job or restricts the type of work you can do for the foreseeable future. In that case, you may be able to seek compensation for the loss of future earning capacity. If it were not for the injury, you would have been able to continue on the same career path and had a reasonable expectation of earning a specific salary or wage. Compensation for loss of earning capacity strives to make up for that loss.

Evidence Needed to Prove Your Case

Your car accident attorney will help you gather the medical evidence and financial information you need to validate your claim for lost wages or lost earning capacity.

The first piece of evidence you will need is a medical opinion. You must be able to prove medically that you are genuinely unable to return to work in the same capacity as before. You will need to provide documentation from your doctor explaining how much you can work and why certain limitations should be placed on your ability to work.

Second, you need to provide financial information. This includes pay stubs, W-2’s, tax returns, and bank statements. This needs to reflect the income you lost while you were unable to work. If your injuries are so severe that you are permanently out of work, you need to prove what your future lost earning capacity may be. This information needs to include the type of occupation, predicted future raises or promotions, and lost benefits like 401K, health insurance, and pension.

St. Louis Car Accident Attorney

At The Hoffmann Law Firm, we have been protecting the rights of injured St. Louis car accident victims for 25 years. Give us a call 24/7 to schedule a free case evaluation and learn more about your legal rights after a St. Louis car accident.

Updated: December 28, 2021
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