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Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Safety this Halloween


 There is a surge in the number of car accidents on Halloween compared to other days.

halloween personal injury lawyer

However, every year we come across several cases of personal injury around this time. Not only this, there is a surge in the number of car accidents on Halloween compared to other days. So, here are some safety tips from our St. Louis injury attorney to help you stay safe this Halloween while still enjoying it to the fullest.

Keep a Flashlight Handy

When your kids are out at night, make sure they carry a flashlight as it will make them more visible to drivers and help prevent accidents. It will also illuminate the path and prevent trips and falls.

Do Not Drink and Drive

With Halloween falling on a Saturday this year, we expect more drunk drivers on the road. Stay extremely cautious when behind the wheel. If you have had a drink or two, take a cab or get a designated driver to take you home.

Use Reflective Tape

A large number of pedestrian accidents are reported every year on Halloween. It is important to be alert and keep a lookout for pedestrians. There are a large number of people on the roads on Halloween, most of them young adults, and many are distracted or impaired by alcohol. Using reflective tape will make you more visible and prevent accidents.

Choose Safe Costumes

It’s okay to go a little wild when it comes to Halloween costumes, but not at the cost of safety. Make sure the costume is such that it does not cause your children to trip and fall, or worse still, fall into traffic.

Do Not Use Open Candles

Open candles can be a serious hazard – do not carry them around. Most Halloween costumes are made of synthetic fabrics and are highly inflammable. The candle flames can set the costumes on fire and lead to serious burn injuries.

Watch Out for Kids

When driving at nighttime, be extremely careful of the kids walking and playing around the streets. Remember, kids may not be aware of the traffic rules and may be too excited to stay cautious of the traffic around. It is important for drivers to be extra careful not only while driving but also when pulling out from the driveways.

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Updated: April 18, 2019