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Tips to Avoid Car Accidents This Spring


As we say goodbye to winter and step into the beautiful spring season here in Missouri, it is time to gear up for months full of activity.

driving-in-st-louisAfter months of inactivity due to freezing cold weather, Missourians will now take to the roads and spend time on recreation and outdoor activities. Missouri car accident lawyers believe that due to increased traffic on Missouri roads and the unpredictable weather, there is always an increased chance of a car accident. So, it is important that one should take every precaution to ensure that they are safe on the roads.

Staying Safe This Spring Season

Apart from the basic traffic safety measures such as obeying traffic rules, not to drive when drunk or intoxicated, not to text or speak over the phone, and avoiding speeding, there are some other things that Missourians needs to bear in mind while driving during the spring season. Here are some simple safety tips that will help you avoid car accidents and stay safe during this spring season.

• In Missouri, weather can get very unpredictable during spring. It could be a clear day at one moment, and then suddenly you can experience rain, fog, hail, or flash flooding. So, a driver should always be fully equipped and prepared to handle all weather and road conditions. On slick and wet roads, you should avoid speeding and must never follow too closely. Keep your defroster and headlights on in order to be easily seen in foggy conditions. 

• Missouri has been blessed with beautiful landscapes, and there are several state parks that attract both local and foreign tourists. Drivers must always be prepared to share the road with bicycles, motorcycles, and pedestrians on the road.

• Spring also means planting season in Missouri, so you can expect a lot of farm implements on the roads. You may encounter many large and slow moving vehicles, especially on country roads. Make sure you give them plenty of room and avoid passing them.

Have your vehicle serviced. Get the tire pressure, windshield wipers, and headlights checked to see if they are in perfect working condition.

• Make sure you keep safety on the top of your mind when you drive on Missouri roads during spring. Distractions and driving under the influence can cause injuries not only to you, but to other drivers on the road as well.

When Help Is Needed

If any of your loved ones has fallen victim to a negligent driver and has become injured, contact The Hoffmann Law Firm, L.L.C. at (314) 361-4242 to recover damages from the driver at fault.



Photo credit: Vicki Timmon via Flickr

Updated: January 25, 2017