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Who Is Responsible For Your St. Louis Uber or Lyft Accident?


If you were injured as a passenger in an Uber or Lyft accident in St. Louis, you may be wondering who will be held responsible for your injuries.

If you are injured as a passenger in a car that collided with an Uber or Lyft, or if you were a passenger in one of these ride-sharing services, you might not be sure who will be held responsible for the costs associated with your injuries. As the accident circumstances will dictate who is held liable, it’s important to gather all necessary evidence when making your claim and be aware of what policy will apply in your case.

As a passenger in a car involved in an accident, you are likely to receive higher compensation than any driver involved. First of all, this is because passengers generally are not held liable for an accident, as all drivers own the duty of care towards the people they have in the car and any other person on the road. Second of all, the ride-sharing company is more likely to offer you compensation than it is to one of its drivers.

st. louis man getting a lyft

Was the Driver Using the App When the Accident Happened?

One of the most crucial aspects in determining who is responsible for your compensation is whether the driver was using the app or not when colliding with another vehicle or being involved in another type of accident. If the app was on and the Uber or Lyft driver was transporting a passenger, the ride-sharing company should generally cover the damages through its $1 million policy.

However, this doesn’t mean that the injured victims will automatically receive a huge amount in compensation. The settlement amount will directly depend on the evidence brought to the case, evidence related to your medical bills, property damage, pain, suffering, etc. However, this high upper limit of the Uber policy is good news, as it is able to cover large amounts, even if there is more than one injured person in the accident. 

If the driver of the Uber or Lyft was not using their app when the accident happened, then damages are generally covered by their personal liability policy. If their insurance is not enough to cover your damages, you could use coverage from your underinsured motorist policy. However, since it’s optional, not everyone will may it. In this case, you may have to use your health insurance or other financing options for your medical treatments, lost wages, etc.

Speak With a St. Louis Uber or Lyft Accident Attorney

As ride-sharing options become more prevalent, it’s not surprising to see they are often involved in accidents.

One of the best ways to ensure that your car accident claim will be successful when dealing with accidents involving a ride-sharing service is to speak with an experienced St. Louis Uber accident lawyer who has had similar accidents before. They will be able to help you determine who should be held responsible for your accident and what evidence must be gathered to support your claim. 

Free Consultation with a St. Louis Car Accident Lawyer

Don’t talk to an insurance claims adjuster before speaking with The Hoffmann Law Firm, L.L.C. We can help you avoid making statements that may affect the outcome of your case. The consultation is free; you don’t pay unless we get you money!

Updated: January 17, 2023