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Who Pays If I’m Injured in A Car Accident As A Passenger?


If you’re injured while riding in a car with a friend, family member, or a colleague when they’re involved in an accident, you may be wondering who will pay for the cost of your injuries, medical bills, and other costs.

Passenger vehicle occupants represent about 63% of yearly traffic fatalities, and serious injuries can occur when you’re riding in a passenger vehicle that gets into an accident.

But if you’re injured while riding in a car with a friend, family member, or a colleague when they’re involved in an accident, you may be wondering who will pay for the cost of your injuries, medical bills, and other costs after the accident. The answer is a bit complex and depends on your situation, but you generally have three options.

1. Filing a Claim With the Other Driver’s Insurance

If your driver was not at fault for the accident – for example, they were T-boned by a driver running a red light – the best thing to do is file a claim with the other driver’s insurance. Just like the driver of the car you were in, you’re fully qualified and entitled to compensation for your injuries, medical bills, and other costs related to the accident.

In Missouri, all drivers must carry a certain amount of Bodily Injury (BI) liability coverage. By filing a claim, you can recover compensation from the other driver’s insurer through their BI policy.

2. Filing a Claim With Your Friend or Car Driver’s Policy

If the driver of the vehicle you were in has Personal Injury Protection (PIP) or Medical Payments (MedPay) coverage, this may be the best option for getting compensation.

This type of insurance coverage is specifically designed to cover the driver and their passengers in case of an accident. Regardless of who was at fault, your driver can file a claim, and you can both get compensation and payouts for medical expenses.

You also have the option of filing through their Bodily Injury (BI) insurance if they do not have MedPay or PIP insurance. MedPay and PIP are not legally required in Missouri, so this may be your only option if your driver was at fault and they do not have MedPay or PIP.

3. Filing a Claim Through Your Own Insurance Policy

You may also have the option of filing with your own insurer if you have MedPay or PIP coverage. However, this is usually a last-resort option. That’s because you will have to file a claim with your own insurer, which may cause your rates to go up.

Still, filing a PIP or MedPay claim through your own insurer is an option if you cannot file a claim with the other driver’s insurance, and you do not want to file a BI claim with your driver’s insurance policy.

Need Help With Your Options? Contact The Hoffmann Law Firm!

As experienced car accident attorneys in St. Louis and Missouri, The Hoffmann Law Firm is here to help you explore your options for getting compensation if you’ve been injured in a car accident as a passenger. Contact us now for a free case review and consultation.

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Updated: February 26, 2021