It is important to remember that the insurance company has one goal: to save themselves money.
If you were in a car accident in the state of Missouri, then you are entitled to seek compensation from the person who caused the collision.

It doesn’t matter if you are asking compensation to cover medical bills, pay for car repairs or recover compensation for the days you have to take off work because of your injuries. It’s your right.
However, what you need to know is that this process most likely means you’ll have to deal with the other driver’s insurance company, in which case you should really consider hiring a St. Louis car accident lawyer to help. Unless you have some great negotiation skills, it’s possible you won’t get a fair settlement. Here’s how insurance companies get to decide how much (they think) your injuries are worth.
The First Offer Is Usually Not the Best
Insurance company adjusters aren’t exactly on your side. From their perspective, they’ll want to offer the least possible amount as settlement, so that the company can save money.
They’ll look at your file, and come in with an offer. Don’t take it, under any circumstances, before speaking with an experienced car accident attorney. They can seem very friendly and sympathetic, but always keep in mind that they do not have your best interests at heart. They care about saving money.
Moreover, if the adjuster calls to talk to you while in a hospital, or outside of an official meeting, you should politely decline. There’s no such thing as “off the record” when it comes to insurance companies, and you should be very careful what and how much you say to them.
Going back to the settlement negotiations, the adjuster will generally have a particular “high” sum they are allowed to go. In the first meeting, they’ll try to save the company as much as they can, so their initial offer will be well below what the company might be willing to pay.
Unfortunately, that means people who are unaware of this tactic may get a lowball settlement, particularly if they’re in a hurry to get the money for their medical bills.
Working with a St. Louis Car Accident Lawyer
By working with an experienced attorney, you can avoid being duped by the insurance adjuster. Not only that but if they built a case and argue in your favor, they can potentially increase the amount of money you get as compensation.
This is all a part of the negotiations. Each side has to make a case that they’re in the right. When one side lacks experience in these sort of things, the results are often unsurprising.
If you’ve been the victim of a St. Louis car accident, get in touch with an experienced St. Louis car accident lawyer as soon as possible for guidance. They can help you file a compensation claim against the other driver, as well as represent your interests in any meeting with the insurance company. Call 24/7 for a FREE case evaluation :: (314) 361-4242